“All my competitors are doing everything out there and I don’t even get to design a banner”, this is what a new client of La Nave told us a few days ago. It left us thinking… and trembling.
We remember that since the 90’s there is this acronym in English that describes well the problem, it is FOMO (fear of missing out) and its translation is fear of being left out. This terror of missing out on something that everyone else seems to have and enjoy, and of not being able to respond with the same level of virtuosity as they do, is a virus that has infected the entire digitized society, and it is very serious, because it leaves you paralyzed. This phenomenon is not new, its root is the basic need for belonging and validation that all humans share. Exacerbated by social networks and technology, it is wreaking havoc among the very young, but also in the business world.
Are you too a victim of FOMO? Ask yourself if
– Any example from any sector oriented to anything seems to be comparable to your activity/offer/way of communicating: and if so, first alert, you are losing focus. Not EVERYTHING is of interest or relevant to compare your brand or company. Check your positioning and if you have doubts or feel confused about it, let’s talk!
– You don’t make decisions: postponing to infinity to carry out campaigns/actions pending more information and having documented more about what the competition, partners, customers… is endless. This way you only manage to lose direction and turn into OCD the fact of doubting everything. More paralysis then…
– You are consumed by anxiety due to the urgency of doing and not being able to do, thus stressing all the people/teams involved: you are not only losing money, but also profits, illusion, talent…
Fortunately, there are effective strategies and treatments to address FOMO in companies and regain control. At La Nave Nodriza we have a vaccine to keep FOMO at bay, it is called FOCO and it is part of our methodology.
First we recommend you to do a self-assessment: recognizing and understanding FOMO is the first step towards change. Taking the time to reflect on how it affects us at a business level can help us develop strategies to manage it more effectively.
Seek support: in severe cases of FOMO that interfere significantly with the marketing and communication activities of your company, it may be useful to seek advice and delegate to professionals the definition of internal decision processes that make the generation of campaigns and their execution more fluid.
Overcoming FOMO is possible, we can help you not to feel that you are “missing the train”. Your train is still running, you just need to get it back on the track that will lead it to success.
Summer is about to start, focusing is the best way to face the heat.
Let’s talk! Contact us