In 2020 we have done great things: we have reforested with adults and children in the Artà Reforest project, talking about small ideas that are transformed into big projects, like Bitaqua. Blow by blow, verse by verse, in the company of M2 (Masmiquel & Mendiara), we have participated in various adventures such as: the new stage of Agromart, because Todo tiene un origen, … and what is to come. Or Carob, from the field to the table, Todo tiene un origen, revaluing agriculture, from the field and … beyond! Tamara Chubarovsky, a great companion, has shared her heart and her method to transform the pedagogy and education of our children. The future, yes. We have also once again accompanied the Xarxa d´economia alternativa i solidaria de Balears, promoting social and labor insertion as fundamental for a transforming economy and for happiness. We have done small things, because in the details, in the small, in the close, in the local, there is change, that’s why regalArtà.. We have also traveled to les Arrels Democràtiques, a project to root ourselves in memory and understand where we are at this moment. And speaking of roots, we have accompanied the CBPAE, explaining that it is organic production and certification, because we are clear about it, we are eco … we come from the future. But everything does not end there, it has been a year of small gestures and great sights, a year of planting seeds and cleaning weeds, a year of births, because LNN + M2 = We Are Lab, a year of prizes and prizes to come , an important year for our lives. In short, a year of small changes for a great transformation. Because we will face new challenges for life, a new stage, a new journey … it begins in 2021 … More local, more eco, more lab, more sustainable, but above all with more stories that we are looking forward to telling you very soon …
Do you go up?