New audiovisual products

We have been good, we have listened to you, (almost everything)
We have been unfaithful to some ideas, to be faithful to you, our clients.
We have felt every need.

We have created new audiovisual products. As you know, La Nave Nodriza Estudio has 3 divisions, “AUDIOVISUAL”, “SPECIAL FX” and “LIVE”. As in almost all divisions, “AUDIOVISUAL” has its share of products and packs but also a more experimental part, with which we test proposals and create new ideas. From this last part is born “HANDMADE”:

It’s all about connecting, understanding, feeling, exchanging, living, with the maturity of the creator, the artist, the craftsman, it’s about undressing his spirit, rescuing his essence.

Soon we will release “I´m FREElance” from “Raulowsky”, do not miss it.
